Thanks for actually talking to your girls instead of bumming around on your phone while waiting. The conversation made for a great read and I’m sure had a bigger impact on your girls than you may realize. If for no other reason than reestablishing a pattern that dad cares about them enough to talk to them. And to warn them about Xan of course…

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We definitely make time (and make them make time) to put the phones away. Damn Xan... I'm sure there's a perfectly well-mannered Xan out there somewhere. If you know one, please connect us. I don't feel like I owe the name an apology or anything, but I like the idea of unicorns, so I'd like to meet a good Xan in real life. LOL

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Aside from being incredibly well-written and entertaining, this true story is certainly the best example of parenting I have ever read!

Great job, Dad!

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Love this and literally laughed out loud at the first Alien fart.

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Thanks, Donella. I know it reads a little like satire, but that's just because I'm a funny guy ;)

Those were really the options we discussed. LOL

I'm glad you liked it. Please feel free to share with other parents that you know.

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